Find Your Weigh to Yay! —
Scale Making Workshop
Friday, April 11
1pm - 3pm
CSU Chico
Selvester's 100
Imagine stepping on a bathroom scale and getting a compliment instead of a number...
At CSU-Chico, I'm going to show students how to hack the ubiquitous bathroom scale to make their own tool of liberation: a Yay! Scale.
One of my favorite things as a fat activist is warping the minds of the youth, or rather, pointing out so they can see for themselves how warped our society is by weight bias. When young people become aware of the extent of the damage, and recognize how it has affected their lives, they come up with fabulous ideas for making things better.
This campus is home to a strong and growing Health At Every Size®/weight lib community. It's great to be invited back, after the wonderful time I had doing a weight diversity talk there in 2012.
Big fat thanks to awesome HAES pioneers at CSU-Chico: Michelle Morris, Debbie Devine, Crystal Vasquez, and the HAES student group Embodied, for making this event happen! I'm proud to be part of Love Every Body Week, along with fat activist Ragen Chastain and other presenters.
Scale Making Workshop
Friday, April 11
1pm - 3pm
CSU Chico
Selvester's 100
Imagine stepping on a bathroom scale and getting a compliment instead of a number...
At CSU-Chico, I'm going to show students how to hack the ubiquitous bathroom scale to make their own tool of liberation: a Yay! Scale.
One of my favorite things as a fat activist is warping the minds of the youth, or rather, pointing out so they can see for themselves how warped our society is by weight bias. When young people become aware of the extent of the damage, and recognize how it has affected their lives, they come up with fabulous ideas for making things better.
This campus is home to a strong and growing Health At Every Size®/weight lib community. It's great to be invited back, after the wonderful time I had doing a weight diversity talk there in 2012.
Big fat thanks to awesome HAES pioneers at CSU-Chico: Michelle Morris, Debbie Devine, Crystal Vasquez, and the HAES student group Embodied, for making this event happen! I'm proud to be part of Love Every Body Week, along with fat activist Ragen Chastain and other presenters.